Rabiu Fatimah , Department of Food Technology, Kaduna Polytechnic, Kaduna, NigeriaAbstract
This study investigates the impact of emulsifiers on the sensory characteristics of high cassava flour composite bread. As cassava flour is increasingly used in bread formulation due to its gluten-free nature and affordability, understanding the role of emulsifiers in enhancing sensory qualities becomes essential for improving overall bread quality. The research assesses the effects of different emulsifiers on key sensory attributes such as texture, flavor, aroma, and overall acceptability of high cassava flour composite bread. A combination of sensory evaluation techniques, including descriptive analysis and consumer preference testing, is utilized to gather comprehensive insights. The findings provide valuable information for optimizing bread formulations with cassava flour, contributing to the development of nutritious and palatable gluten-free bread options.
Emulsifiers, Sensory characteristics, High cassava flour
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