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Gulomjon M. Norov , Phd Student At Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Ibn Sina Street, Navoi, Navoi State University Mining And Technologies, Department Of Higher Mathematics And Information Technologies, Galaba Shokh Street, Navoi, Uzbekistan
Oybek J. Khudayberdiev , Navoi State University Mining And Technologies, Department Of Higher Mathematics And Information Technologies, Galaba Shokh Street, Navoi, Uzbekistan
Safarboy Kh. Rakhmatov , Navoi State University Mining And Technologies, Department Of Higher Mathematics And Information Technologies, Galaba Shokh Street, Navoi, Uzbekistan
Maksud R. Mekhmonov , Phd, Assistant Professor At Navoi State University Mining And Technologies, Mining Department, Galaba Shokh Street, Navoi, Uzbekistan


This paper deals with the problem of determining the convex shape of the curb trajectory in order to ensure the stability of the curb, enhance the safety of overburden stripping and open pit mining. The method of cubic splines is used to determine the trajectory of the side. For application of this method the length of the pit base (or ledge) is divided into arbitrary n parts and in each partial segment the corresponding cubic spline function is constructed, being combined, each curve into a common curve, gives a common curve corresponding to the profile of the trajectory of the pit face.


scarp slopes, destruction, stability


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Gulomjon M. Norov, Oybek J. Khudayberdiev, Safarboy Kh. Rakhmatov, & Maksud R. Mekhmonov. (2023). DETERMINATION OF CONVEX SHAPE OF THE TRAJECTORY OF THE QUARRY BOARD TRAJECTORY BY THE METHOD OF CUBIC SPLINES. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 5(11), 51–62.