Kasimov Sh.I. , PhD., Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan Umirov N.S. , PhD., Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan Matchanov A.D. , DSC Professor, Institute Of Bioorganic Chemistry Named After Acad. A.S. Sadykova Academy Of Sciences Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan Gapparova F. , PhD., Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan Khanturaeva S. , PhD., Gulistan State University, UzbekistanAbstract
In the article, the amount of micro- and macro-elements in two types of glauconite produced during the industrial processing of licorice root from Beruni district of Karakalpakstan was studied based on the inductively coupled coil optical emission spectrometry method and compared with those in the literature. The obtained results were used to study the amount of macroelements K and R necessary for plants in the composition of soil and glauconite, and it was shown that it is possible to produce new types of organomineral fertilizers based on them. It has been shown that the processing of licorice root in our republic can solve the problems of disposal of industrial waste.
Based on the obtained results, the scientific basis of organomineral fertilizer production was developed based on the studied glauconite and wastewater and licorice root industrial waste.
Glauconite, mineral fertilizer, optical spectroscopy
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Copyright (c) 2023 Kasimov Sh.I., Umirov N.S., Matchanov A.D., Gapparova F., Khanturaeva S.

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