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T.Sh. Jumaniyozov , Teacher-Methodologist Of The Educational And Methodological Department Of The Public Safety University Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan


In the modern world, much attention is paid to the development of information technologies in the XXI century. As the President of our country noted, the formation of a national informatization system and the mass introduction of modern information and communication technologies in all spheres of society requires future specialists to have special knowledge and skills in the field of computer technology. Therefore, algorithmization and programming is of particular importance in the formation of a national informatization system, especially for the prompt resolution of important military issues and their solutions. As already noted, the system of training, advanced training and retraining of military specialists in the field of programming is one of the main tasks today, as well as the development of local computer programs designed to solve military tasks, scheduling classes, automating the educational process as a whole and putting them into practice.


Technology, information, programming


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T.Sh. Jumaniyozov. (2023). THE RELEVANCE OF AUTOMATING THE SCHEDULE OF CLASSES IN HIGHER MILITARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 5(11), 23–29.