Melissa Alves Aires Marques , Medical Student At The University Iguaçu, Itaperuna-Rj Bianca Gabriella Oliveira , Medical student at the University Salvador, Salvador-BA Ana Freitas Goulart Terra , Medical student at the University Iguaçu, Itaperuna-RJ David Augusto Abrantes Teixeira Melo , Medical Student At The University Iguaçu, Itaperuna-Rj Damiana Pereira Da Silva Neves , Medical Student At The University Iguaçu, Itaperuna-Rj Débora Aguiar Martins , Medical Student At The University Iguaçu, Itaperuna-Rj Elenize De Oliveira Silva Neves , Medical Student At The University Iguaçu, Itaperuna-Rj João Breno Marreira Franco , Medical Student At The University Nilton Lins, Manaus-Am Karla Aparecida Carvalho Santos Costa , Medical Student At The University Iguaçu, Itaperuna-Rj Lívia Ximenes Rocha , Medical Student At The University Iguaçu, Itaperuna-Rj Thaís Simões De Oliveira Borges , Medical Student At The University Salvador, Salvador- Ba Yasmim Maia De Souza Tavares , Medical Student At The University Iguaçu, Itaperuna-RjAbstract
Road traffic accidents (RTAs) are a public health problem worldwide, representing the leading cause of death in the 5-29 age group and the eighth leading cause of death in all age groups. It also accounts for 12% of all deaths on the planet and 20 to 50 million individuals with some kind of sequelae, whether osteoarticular or not. This is a literature review study, in addition to a cross-sectional data collection from 2018 to 2022 from the SUS Hospital Information System (SIH-SUS) by the SUS IT Department (DATASUS) and also by calculating data on the Compulsory Insurance for Personal Injury Caused by Land Vehicles platform. For this reason, public strategies for effective enforcement, strengthening mobility and accessibility policies, improving roads, implementing and improving traffic legislation and investing in safe and sustainable public transportation are necessary.
Zenodo doi:
Accident, Traffic accident, Road transport accident
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Copyright (c) 2023 Melissa Alves Aires Marques, Bianca Gabriella Oliveira, Ana Freitas Goulart Terra, David Augusto Abrantes Teixeira Melo, Damiana Pereira Da Silva Neves, Débora Aguiar Martins, Elenize De Oliveira Silva Neves, João Breno Marreira Franco, Karla Aparecida Carvalho Santos Costa, Lívia Ximenes Rocha, Thaís Simões De Oliveira Borges, Yasmim Maia De Souza Tavares

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