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Maral Malekian , Department Of Mining And Geological Engineering, University Of Arizona, Arizona, Usa
Moe Momayez , Department Of Mining and Geological Engineering, University Of Arizona, Arizona, USA
Pat Bellett , Ground probe Company, Brisbane, Australia
Stefania Mancino , Ground probe Company, Brisbane, Australia
Fernanda Carrea , Ground probe Company, Brisbane, Australia


Wall control and blasting are two major activities that significantly impact the productivity and safety of open-pit mining operations. Although many monitoring equipment are used for improving slope stability, there is still a need for understanding slope behavior during a blast. This paper describes a new technology called Blast Vision®, developed by GroundProbe, for monitoring the interaction between blasting and slope stability with a temporal resolution in the range of milliseconds. This technology represents an innovative departure from standard blast vibration sensors by measuring ground luminance changes on the ground surface through drone-based computer vision. BlastVision application for slope stability, misfires and flyrocks is investigated in this publication.


Blasting, Slope Failure, BlastVision


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Maral Malekian, Moe Momayez, Pat Bellett, Stefania Mancino, & Fernanda Carrea. (2023). WALL CONTROL AND BLAST PATTERN ANALYSIS USING BLAST VISION® TECHNOLOGY. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 5(04), 31–37.