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Tigma Maxmillian Younyi , Department Of Educational Foundations And Administration, Faculty Of Education Of The University Of Buea, Cameroon
Professor Fonkeng Epah George , Deputy Vice-Chancellor In Charge Of Academic Affairs And Research, Biaka University Institute Of Buea (Buib), Cameroon
Dr. Sophie Ekume Etomes , Department Of Educational Foundations And Administration, Faculty Of Education Of The University Of Buea, Cameroon


This study was designed to examine administrative change and the enhancement of relevance in state higher education system in Cameroon. The study was guided by two objectives which examine how change in administrative policy and administrative skills will enhance the relevance in state higher education system in Cameroon. This is supported by the theory of Fullan who state that that educational change is a process and to begin the change process you must be able to fully involve all human participants (stakeholders) in the change process for a better sustainability. This is supported by the theory of Fullan who state that that educational change is a process and to begin the change process you must be able to fully involve all human participants (stakeholders) in the change process for a better sustainability. The concurrent mixed-methods research design specifically the concurrent triangulation design was adopted for the study. Questionnaire and an interview guide were the instruments used for the study. The questionnaire consisted of both close and open ended questions for lecturers and post graduate students and interview guide for university administrators (HODs). The sample population for the study was made up of 1,915 lecturers, and 40 administrators (HODs) from the universities of Buea, Yaounde II, Douala, Bamenda, Yaounde I, Dschang, Maroua and Ngaoundere. The purposive and stratified sampling techniques was adopted for the study. Data from close ended questions was analysed using SPSS 23.0, with the aid of descriptive and inferential statistical tools while open ended questions were analysed thematically. The Spearman’s rho was used to test the research hypotheses formulated in the study. Majority of the lecturers (86.4%) agreed that there is a need for change in administrative policy to enhance relevance of Higher Education and a majority of the lecturers (71.3%) equally agreed that there is a need for change in administrative skills to enhance relevance of Higher Education. Hypothetically, there is a significant, positive and moderate relationship between administrative change and the enhancement of relevance in state Universities (R- value 0.207**, p-value < 0.001 < 0.05). Therefore, it was generally recommended that, for the enhancement of relevance in state higher education system in Cameroon orientation services should be organized before admission to enable student understand and make correct chooses. Specifically, in line with change in administrative policy most administrative posts should be elective for a given term of office in order to enable efficiency.  Elective positions for HOD, Deans, Directors, Registrar and Vice Chancellors and in line with change in administrative skills, there should be innovation at the level of the administration by bringing in competent personal who will bring about the desired change to better enhance the relevant of HE.


Administrative Change, Enhancement of Relevance and Higher Education System


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Tigma Maxmillian Younyi, Professor Fonkeng Epah George, & Dr. Sophie Ekume Etomes. (2023). ADMINISTRATIVE CHANGE AND THE ENHANCEMENT OF RELEVANCE IN STATE HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM IN CAMEROON. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 5(04), 12–30.