Natural Geographical Research In The Fergana Valley
Abdusamad Abdumalikovich Hamidov , Senior Lecturer, Ph.D. Fergana State University, Uzbekistan Nargiza Urinovna Komilova , Doctor Of Philosophy (PhD) In Geography, Fergana State University, UzbekistanAbstract
The article describes the study of the components of nature in the Fergana Valley in the second half of the twentieth century, based on its stage of development in space and time, in the fourth quarter of the twentieth century, the geoecological significance of studying in the Fergana Valley. The dynamics and scientific results of complex natural geographical researches carried out during the 2000s are described.
Fergana Valley, Department of Resettlement, Department of Land Reclamation, Council for the Study of Productive Forces (SOPS), lyoss genesis, hydrometric division, geochemistry, zoogeography, expedition, glaciology, hydrogeology, geomorphology
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