Traditions Of Child Raising In Uzbek Rural Family
Ubaydullaeva B.M. , Doctor Of Historical Sciences, National University Of Uzbekistan Department "Anthropology And Ethnology", UzbekistanAbstract
The study of the issue of child socialization is one of the current problems of ethnology. Because through the upbringing of children, one can learn a lot about the lifestyle, spiritual outlook, psychological image and socio-economic history of the people. This article aims to study the features of child socialization in a modern Uzbek village on the example of a village. The information in the article was collected during the author's expeditions to the village of Mindon in 2012-2014.
Research methods: direct observation, in-depth interview-based interviews and questionnaires. Theoretically, it was based on T. Parsons' structural functional theory on the study of socialization [26, p.58.]. In this theory, the family is shown as the first major stage of socialization.
The study shows that the traditional method of upbringing in the family depends on the lifestyle of the people and is based on the experience of the people in child psychology, taking into account the mental and physical aspects of the mother from pregnancy to childbirth and adulthood.
The data presented in the study can be used to study the culture, ethnography, spiritual and moral characteristics of the Uzbek people and to theoretically enrich such areas as ethnopsychology, ethnopedagogy, gender socialization, sociology of education.
Child, family, upbringing,, mindon, uzbek, socialization, neighborhood
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Author note. Mindon makhalla, 2012.
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