Ibn Sina On The Role Of Reasoning Forms In Achieving The Truth
Oysafar Umarovna Majidova , Doctor Of Philosophy (PhD), National University Of UzbekistanAbstract
In this article, Ibn Sina's logical views, in particular his ideas on forms of thinking, are discussed in the context of the process of achieving truth. At the same time, it is revealed on the basis of Ibn Sina's logical views that such forms of thinking as perception, judgment, and inference are important elements in the process of achieving truth. That is, while the definition of a concept is a necessary element in the process of achieving truth, considerations are revealed, in particular, complex considerations and conclusions based on an analysis of Ibn Sina’s works on logic. Importantly, it is logical that Ibn Sina’s conception of truth as a final stage in the conclusion that reasoning is a form of thinking is logical.
Reasoning, truth, definition, description, concept, gender, subject
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