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Pathomorphological Characteristics Of Glandular Hyperplasia Endometry In Women According To The Data Of The Bukhara Regional Pathological Bureau

Zhuraeva Gulbahor Bakhshillaevna , Bukhara State Medical Institute Named After Abu Ali Ibn Sina, Uzbekistan


The results of examination of 107 patients with glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium are presented. The age of women ranged from 43 to 67 years, on average it was 41.2 + 2.6 years, of which 76 patients were of reproductive age and 49 during the perimenopause. The diagnosis of glandular hyperplasia was established on the basis of morphological scraping of the uterine mucosa. The morphological forms of glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium were analyzed and a comparative analysis of the frequency of all this pathology in the Bukhara region was carried out. The results of the study showed a high growth of this pathology, the cause of which is uterine bleeding, which was confirmed by morphological examination.


Endometrial hyperplasia, neoplasia


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Zhuraeva Gulbahor Bakhshillaevna. (2020). Pathomorphological Characteristics Of Glandular Hyperplasia Endometry In Women According To The Data Of The Bukhara Regional Pathological Bureau. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 2(11), 142–149.