The Issue Of The Central Asian Northern Pilgrimage Route In The Russian-Bukhara Diplomatic Relations In The XVIII Century (On The Example Of The Activities Of Ambassador Ernazar Maqsud Oglu)
Tanieva Guldona Mamanovna , Senior Researcher Of The Institute Of History Of The Academy Of Science Of The Republic Of UzbekistanAbstract
In the Middle Ages, Central Asian pilgrims traveled to Mecca in three directions: the North direction ‒ through the Russian Empire, the central direction‒ through the territory of Persia, and the south direction ‒ along roads through India and the Arabian Sea. Therefore, the question of the directions of the Hajj was reflected in the diplomatic correspondence of the Central Asian khanates with Persia, India, the Russian and Ottoman empires тоо. Depending on the political, economic and ideological interests of these states, sometimes pilgrims were given permits to be sent to Mecca through their territories, and sometimes not. The degree of intensity of pilgrimage movements, in most cases, depended on the activities of interstate ambassadors. On the issue of eliminating various prohibitions and obstacles in the movements of pilgrimage roads, the Central Asian ambassadors were active and historical documents reveal these data to us.
Central Asia, Central Asian khanates
Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire (AVPRI), f-125, Snosheniya Rossii s Khivoy, opis-1, d-3.
Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire (AVPRI). F-109/1, Snosheniya Rossii s Bukhara, opis-1, d-2.
Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire (AVPRI) F-109, Snoshenie Rossii s Bukhara, opis- 2, d-11.
Archive of Foreign Policy of the Russian Empire (AVPRI). F-109, Snoshenie Rossii s Bukhara, opis- 2, d-3.
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