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Obtaining Ethyl Acetate Based On Ether-Aldehyde Fraction And Acetic Acid

Siddiqova Gulchehra Abdujalolovna , Assistant, Department Of Analytical, Physical And Colloid Chemistry, Tashkent Institute Of Chemical Technology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Musulmonov Noryigit Hasanovich , Candidate Of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department Of Polymer Chemistry And Chemical Technology, Samarkand State University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Siddiqov Abdujalol Siddiqovich , Doctor Of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Department Of Analytical, Physical And Colloid Chemistry, Tashkent Institute Of Chemical Technology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Ikromov Abduvahob Ikromovich , Doctor Of Technical Sciences, Professor, Department Of Organic Chemistry And Technology Of Heavy Organic Synthesis, Tashkent Institute Of Chemistry And Theology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The article conducts systematic research on the processing of the ether-aldehyde fraction of the biochemical enterprises of the republic and the use of the purified ether-aldehyde fraction for the production of ethyl acetate. A detailed critical analysis of scientific, technical and patent literature in the field of production and use of esters and, in particular, ethyl acetate was carried out. Investigated the chemical composition of the ether-aldehyde fraction - the waste of the distilleries of the Republic. The optimal technological parameters for the purification of the ether-aldehyde fraction have been determined.


Acetic acid, energy-resource-saving technology


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Siddiqova Gulchehra Abdujalolovna, Musulmonov Noryigit Hasanovich, Siddiqov Abdujalol Siddiqovich, & Ikromov Abduvahob Ikromovich. (2020). Obtaining Ethyl Acetate Based On Ether-Aldehyde Fraction And Acetic Acid. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 2(11), 47–53.