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History, Structure And Types Of Microprocessors

Hakimov Zohid Abdullayevich , Assistant Department of “Information Technology” Urgench branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Uzbekistan


This article gives you a brief overview on microprocessor types, performance, and computer
hardware. The article also provides basic concepts about Microprocessors. Learn about
microprocessor types, Intel, Intel Celeron, VIA, NVIDIA, Elbrus, Philips, Hitachi, Sun, AMD Athlon and
more. You will learn about the functional parts of the microprocessor, the block diagram of the
microprocessor, the command register of the microprocessor.


Computer and technology, Microprocessor


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How to Cite

Hakimov Zohid Abdullayevich. (2020). History, Structure And Types Of Microprocessors. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 2(11), 39–46.