Allamuratova Serehan Janabaevna
Allamuratova Serehan Janabaevna, , Assistant Of The Department Of History Of Uzbekistan And History Of Karakalpakstan, Karakalpak State University Named After Berdakh, Nukus, UzbekistanAbstract
This article notes that after the global environmental and economic problems of our time,
the second most important issue is the position and role of women in modern society.
After all, the development of civil society always entails a change in the roles of men and
women in the modern world. Women have become more and more involved in decisionmaking, comprehensive protection of gender equality is noted, all its ethnic and sociocultural aspects are taken into account. This is especially noticeable in developing
countries, for example, in Uzbekistan. The formerly unshakable traditional form of the
Uzbek family, in which the man was the breadwinner, began to change its shape. The
woman began to strive for equality in the family, a harmonious distribution of
responsibilities between spouses. She became more independent, she had a desire to
realize herself not only in the family, but also outside of it, in the professional field.
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