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The Role Of Small Business In The National Economy

Kurbanov Alisher Bobokulovich, , Associate Professor Of The Department Of Economics Of The Karshi Engineering And Economic Institute, Uzbekistan.


This article highlights the role of small business leaders in the development and
implementation of innovative ideas based on an analysis of leading economists. The
essence and forms of small business in the socio-economic sphere are also shown. It is
based on the social orientation of small business, communist activities between the
population and large enterprises, as well as on the training ground. The analysis of
indicators of small business development in the world practice is given and a conclusion on
its natural features is given. Specific features and directions of adaptation are presented
and recommendations are giv  for th,  changing needs of the population.


Entrepreneurship, , small business


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Kurbanov Alisher Bobokulovich,. (2020). The Role Of Small Business In The National Economy. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 2(07), 95–98.