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Improving The Preparation Of Consolidated Financial Statements In Insurance Companies In Accordance With The Requirements Of International Financial Reporting Standards

Ochilov Ilyos Keldiyorovich , Associate Professor of the Department of "Accounting" at Tashkent Financial Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


This research paper describes the theoretical and methodological aspects of the
preparation of consolidated financial statements in insurance companies in accordance
with the requirements of international financial reporting standards and methods of
calculating the investments of insurance companies. The methods of compiling the
consolidated financial statements of insurance companies, their calculation and the stages
of consolidation are described. The ways of solving the problems of consolidating financial
results, assets and liabilities, cash flows and financial statements taking into account the
specifics of the activities of insurance companies are considered.


consolidated financial statements (CFS), control, joint control,


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Ochilov Ilyos Keldiyorovich. (2020). Improving The Preparation Of Consolidated Financial Statements In Insurance Companies In Accordance With The Requirements Of International Financial Reporting Standards. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 2(07), 70–83.