Detailed Analysis Of The Basics Of The Khojagon Sect (Way) In The Work “Rashakhot”
Bahriddin Umurzoqov , Doctor Of Philological Sciences (Phd). Senior Lecturer, Department Of Source Studies And Sufi Hermeneutics, Tashkent State University Of Oriental Studies, UzbekistanAbstract
This article is dedicated to the 16th century scholar Fakhruddin Ali Safi ibn Husayn Waz Kashifi Hirawi (1463–1533), a mature manaqibnavis and tazkiranavis who lived and left a rich scientific legacy. Fakhruddin Ali Safi ibn Husayn Waz Kashifi Hirawi's (1463–1533) work “Rashakhot aynu-l-hayat” (Drops of the spring of life) dedicated to Hodja Ubaydullah Ahror and in this work The description of the Eleven Blessed Phrases, which is explained in detail under the name, in particular, is devoted to the study and interpretation of the phrase “Hush dar dam” (remembering Allah at all times, engaging in the remembrance of Allah), the first foundation of the first Khojagan sect.
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