Small Torch Progress In Prospects Gold Mining In Improving Countries
Khayitov Odiljon G’afurovich , Candidate Of Geological And Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head Of The Department "Mining", 100095, Republic Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, University Street, 2, Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan Umirzoqov Azamat Abdurashidovich , Phd Scholar Of The Department Of Mining, Tashkent City, 100095, Tashkent State Technical University Named After Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan Bekmuratov Ajiniyaz Omirbek Ogli , Master, Tashkent State Technical University Named After Islam Karimov, Tashkent City, Uzbekistan., UzbekistanAbstract
The World Gold Council and its member companies support the responsible mining and trading of gold from all legitimate sources, including artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM). The responsible development of gold resources both through large-scale mining (LSM) and ASM, especially when coupled with sound governance, has the potential to deliver broad social and economic benefits to individuals, communities and countries. There has been a significant growth in artisanal and small-scale mining in many developing countries over the last twenty years. ASM issues have become more salient in public policy debates as a result of the adoption of instruments designed to prevent the funding of illegal armed groups and from the implementation on reducing mercury in the environment. Artisanal and small-scale mining is more than simply an industry with the potential to contribute positively to foreign exchange earnings and employment; it is a way of life. Its participants, most of whom were lured into work by the prospect of gaining wealth quickly, include rural community dwellers, nomadic peoples, seasonal subsistence farmers, and retrenched large-scale mine workers. However, despite providing higher wages than comparative rural sectors of industry, artisanal and small-scale mining is generally associated with a deteriorated quality-of life
Small-scale gold mining, explosive
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Copyright (c) 2020 Khayitov Odiljon G’afurovich, Umirzoqov Azamat Abdurashidovich , Bekmuratov Ajiniyaz Omirbek Ogli

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