Characteristics And Forms Of Other Fees Connected With Criminal Proceedings
Sultanov Abdulla Azamatovich , Researcher Of The Academy Of The Ministry Of Internal Affairs Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan, Doctor Of Philosophy In Law (Phd), Associate Professor Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
This article illuminates the scientific views of procedural sciences, the legal nature of other fees connected with criminal proceedings that is generally recognized in criminal procedural legislation on the basis of the analysis of current legislation norms as well as the types of expenditures that is probable to include in it are distinguished. Moreover, the need to reflect in legislation as a new type of procedural fees the costs incurred to cover the damaged or destroyed items during the experiment, search and other investigative actions, as well as the expenses to ensure the protection of some participants in the criminal proceedings are grounded.
Criminal procedural legislation, , procedural fees
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