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Features Of The Fight Against Modern Virtual Terrorism

Nuriymon Abulhasan , Researcher,National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Uzbekistan


This article analyzes cyberattacks, virtual crime and its ideological basis, as well as implementation technologies as a factor that negatively affects the socio-political stability of society. Trends in the use of virtual technologies in the social life of society and in the context of increasing human impact on daily life, the latest indicators in this regard are given. At the same time, the article assesses their impact on the socio-political stability of society based on the analysis of the concepts of cyberterrorism, cyber-attack and cybercrime manifested in the virtual space.



Stability, virtual


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Nuriymon Abulhasan. (2020). Features Of The Fight Against Modern Virtual Terrorism. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 2(09), 1–9.