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Hygienic Effect Of The Drapery Of Children’s Clothes

Turdiyev Maxmudjon , Senior Lecturer, Department Of Light Industry Technologies and Equipment, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Yuldasheva Dildora , Assistant, Department Of Light Industry Technologies and Equipment, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan


Today, the youth, whose education process has been developing, need to be prepared for the demands of society is the main purpose. The pedagogue’s experience, knowledge and personality play a big role in obsessed knowledge of youth, morality, tradition, getting learned culture, ability and developing worldwide and getting the appropriate place in society during the practical experience. In addition, developing the problem-solving abilities of the young, in the modern world, is the main responsibility of the pedagogue. For this, pedagogues should have their creative ways of teaching and the ability to react positively to the increasingly changing world. This article explains the range of clothes for pre-school children, draperies mechanical features, estimating the saving heat character of children’s clothes.


Cotton, Floss, Silk, Wool, Knit, Accessories, Decorations, Clothing Culture


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How to Cite

Turdiyev Maxmudjon, & Yuldasheva Dildora. (2021). Hygienic Effect Of The Drapery Of Children’s Clothes. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(11), 48–52.