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Ways To Establish A Trade Cluster And Improve Its Efficiency

Qarshibaevich Pardaev Mamayunus , Professor, Doctor Of Economics, Samarkand Institute Of Economics And Service Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Umidjon Normurad Ugli Normuradov , Head Of The Department Of Economic Theory, Samarkand Institute Of Economics And Service, Uzbekistan


The article discusses issues related to the organization of a trade cluster and improving the evaluation of its effectiveness.  At the same time, some ideas related to the organization of trade clusters in Samarkand region and the assessment of their effectiveness are presented using practical data.  A model of the interdependence of the entities included in the trade cluster has been developed, and the role and function of each in the cluster is also covered.


Trade, Cluster, Trade Cluster


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Qarshibaevich Pardaev Mamayunus, & Umidjon Normurad Ugli Normuradov. (2021). Ways To Establish A Trade Cluster And Improve Its Efficiency. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(11), 14–21.