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Research Properties Of Cotton Knitted Fabrics Using Lycra

Gulyaeva G. Kh. , Tashkent Institute Of Textile And Light Industry, Uzbekistan
Mukimov M. M. , Tashkent Institute Of Textile And Light Industry, Uzbekistan
Artikova M. , Tashkent Institute Of Textile And Light Industry, Uzbekistan


In the global production of knitwear, the leading place is taken by the issues of expanding the range of competitive products, the production of highly environmentally friendly goods from natural raw materials, the development of new types of raw materials and finishes, improving the quality of knitwear, and the development of resource-saving technologies. In developed countries "... special attention is paid to saturating the domestic market with products of its own production by 75-85% due to the textile industry and clothing production". Based on this, the development of a technology for the production of knitted products with high hygienic properties, increased dimensional stability and reduced cost through the effective use of raw materials and changes in the structure of weaves are important tasks.


Raw Materials, Cotton Yarn, Lycra, Linear Density


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Gulyaeva G. Kh., Mukimov M. M., & Artikova M. (2021). Research Properties Of Cotton Knitted Fabrics Using Lycra. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(10), 5–14.