Distance-Online Education In The Study Of The Course "Fundamentals Of Projecting Clothing Design Products»
Shokhista Yusupova Maksud Kizi , 2nd Year Undergraduates Of TSPU Named After Nizami, Uzbekistan Kholida Ismatullaeva Zikrullaevna , Candidate Of Technical Sciences, TSPU Named After Nizami, UzbekistanAbstract
In the article are studied the development of the distance (online) education system in Uzbekistan, its shortcomings, programs, the development and importance of the online education system abroad. The importance of online education in the study of the subject "Basics of projecting costume design" is described.
Distance education, online education, educational programs
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Copyright (c) 2021 Shokhista Yusupova Maksud Kizi, Kholida Ismatullaeva Zikrullaevna

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