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Models For The Formation Of The Innovation Potential Of Young People In The Current Period

Abdurahmonov Hasan Ibrohimovich , Independent Researcher Of Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan


Raising innovative thinking in the youth worldviewurni is done by finding solutions to their innovation potential. The innovation potential of youth is that it is a collection of renewable resources that can be used and applied to achieve a specific goal or result. He relies on the idea of human potential. Reflect the unity of what a person's potential has achieved and is possible, the existence of hidden, not yet manifested abilities in the relevant spheres of life.


Innovative thinking, models, pedagogic technologies


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Abdurahmonov Hasan Ibrohimovich. (2021). Models For The Formation Of The Innovation Potential Of Young People In The Current Period. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(04), 174–180.