Мethodology Of The Topic ”Rectangle And Its Types”
Shuhratjon Farmonovich Turaev , PhD Student Of Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan Zebiniso Farhodovna Atoyeva , Teacher Of Mathematics, Secondary School No. 7, Kagan, Bukhara Region, Uzbekistan Shukhrat Isroilovich Juraev , Senior Lecturer Of Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan Rasuljonovna Zuxraergasheva , Student Of The Faculty Of Physics And Mathematics Of Bukhara State University, UzbekistanAbstract
The article formulates a methodology for teachers to use non-standard and practical issues and provides the necessary recommendations, arguing that the targeted use of non-standard and practical issues is an effective tool for developing creative abilities in students.
Rectangular, non-standard, methodological bases of teaching
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Copyright (c) 2021 Shuhratjon Farmonovich Turaev, Zebiniso Farhodovna Atoyeva, Shukhrat Isroilovich Juraev, Rasuljonovna Zuxraergasheva

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