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Syntactic Valence, Syntactic Relation

Shuxratova Yulduzxon Shakarbek Qizi , Teacher Of The Department Of Primary Education Methodology Of The Faculty Of Preschool And Primary Education Of Fergana State University, Uzbekistan


Syntax (ancient Greek σύν-ταξις “composition”, “coordination”, “order”) is a section of linguistics in which nominative and communicative linguistic units are studied: a sentence and a phrase. Literally translated syntax means not only composing, but also ordering, coordinating, combining words into a coherent text. The following article looks into the syntactic relations and valence in the English language.


Valence, subordination, coordination


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Shuxratova Yulduzxon Shakarbek Qizi. (2021). Syntactic Valence, Syntactic Relation. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(04), 129–132.