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Ways To Effectively Use Industry Innovations

Kodirjon Maxamadaminovich Umarkulov , PhD, Associate Professor, Namangan State University, Uzbekistan
Yulduz Shahabiddinovna Khayrullaeva , Master's Degree Student, Namangan State University, Uzbekistan


This article explains the importance of innovation in industrial production, analyzes the factors hindering the development of the industry, reveals the directions of innovation formation and transfer in industries and companies, develops ways to accelerate innovation in industry.


Industry, innovation, innovative activity


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Kodirjon Maxamadaminovich Umarkulov, & Yulduz Shahabiddinovna Khayrullaeva. (2021). Ways To Effectively Use Industry Innovations. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(04), 107–113.