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Mineral And Geochemical Features Of Mineralized Zones Eastern Jamansai Section (Sultan-Uvais Ridge)

Khabibkhon Sadirovich Khodjaev , Candidate Of Geological And Mineralogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department Of “Geology, Prospecting And Exploration Of Mineral Deposits”, Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan


This article is devoted to analyzes the issues of mineral and geochemical features of mineralized zones: eastern Jamansai section (Sultan-Vvais ridge). Productive mineralization of the eastern Jamansai  site is associated with metamorphogenic transformations of rocks of the Sultanuvai, Jamansai, Beshmazar, Kazansai formations, metamorphosed under the conditions of the green-shale facies. Mineralized zones of the site are confined to narrow faults in tectonic zones of the northeastern and northwestern directions.


Sultan-Uvais, mineralized zone


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Khabibkhon Sadirovich Khodjaev. (2021). Mineral And Geochemical Features Of Mineralized Zones Eastern Jamansai Section (Sultan-Uvais Ridge). The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(04), 99–106.