Sufficiency It Is A General-Purpose Category That Develops Without A Stop
Sherkul Shodmonovich Shodmonov , Professor, Tashkent State University Of Economics, Uzbekistan Odiljon Xamzaevich Xamiraev , Doctor Of Economics, Professor, Tashkent State University Of Economics, Uzbekistan Bekzod Erkinovich Mamaraximov , Associate Professor, Tashkent State University Of Economics, UzbekistanAbstract
This article discusses about the goods that we all use and buy every day and its two social features. The article reveals the hidden secrets of this economic category, which we all know, and simple, straightforward and understandable. Two different properties of a commodity: the content of value and utility, the cause of which is the dual characterization of labor in the commodity: a clear and abstract description, the constant evolution and complementarity of the value and utility of the commodity, important theoretical, methodological and practical significance is explained.
Commodity, money, value
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Copyright (c) 2021 Sherkul Shodmonovich Shodmonov, Odiljon Xamzaevich Xamiraev, Bekzod Erkinovich Mamaraximov

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