Improving The Credit Mechanism To Increase The Competitiveness Of The National Economy
Bekmukhammad Omonovich Tursunov , Senior Lecturer, Tashkent Financial Institute, Uzbekistan Hilola Amirullo Qizi Tokhtasheva , Student Of Tashkent Financial Institute, UzbekistanAbstract
The article examines the credit mechanism of increasing the competitiveness of the national economy and areas for improving its efficiency. The impact of increasing the credit activity of economic entities on the competitiveness of sectors of the national economy was assessed. A systematic description of the existing shortcomings and problematic processes in this regard is provided. Scientific proposals and practical recommendations for overcoming problematic processes in the systematic organization of increasing the competitiveness of the national economy have been formed.
Competitiveness, competitive chain
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Copyright (c) 2021 Bekmukhammad Omonovich Tursunov , Hilola Amirullo Qizi Tokhtasheva

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