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Prospects For The Improvement Of The Marketing System To Increase The Competitiveness Of Light Industrial Enterprises

Fayoza Tuxtamurodovna Bazarova , Senior Lecturer, Tashkent Financial Institute, Uzbekistan


The article examines the theoretical and methodological basis of the problems of improving the marketing system to increase the competitiveness of light industry enterprises. A general description of market factors influencing the process of increasing the competitiveness of light industry enterprises is given. In this regard, based on the study of the causes and characteristics of the development of existing problem processes, scientific proposals and practical recommendations for overcoming the existing problems have been formed.


Competitiveness, marketing efficiency


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Fayoza Tuxtamurodovna Bazarova. (2021). Prospects For The Improvement Of The Marketing System To Increase The Competitiveness Of Light Industrial Enterprises. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(04), 67–72.