Customs Of Population In Jizzakh Oasis Associated With Chilla
Dilnoza Jumanazarova , Assistant Professor, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan Hakima Davlatova , Master’s Student, Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, UzbekistanAbstract
In this article the outlook of local population in Jizzakh oasis about chilla and customs which are being saved are analyzed based on ethnosociable studies and comparative analysis.
Jizzakh oasis, microethnographic region
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Sitting in the chilla is spent for a certain period of time in solitude with Allah in order to purify the soul and without secular thoughts praying to Allah and thought about him. There is no definite time for this. But it is a tradition to sit for forty days. For this reason, the Persian words "chilla" and the Arabic word "arbain" (forty), which mean "forty" in private, are used. In ancient times, shrines had separate rooms for chilla sitting.
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