Challenges To Increase The Competitiveness Of The Textile Industry In The Context Of Structural Change
Nargiza Qobilovna Shoislomova , Senior Lecturer, Tashkent Financial Institute, Uzbekistan Doston Rustamjon Ogli Shonazarov , Student, Tashkent Financial Institute, Uzbekistan Gulmira Bahrom Qizi Aralova , Student, Tashkent Financial Institute, UzbekistanAbstract
The article examines the theoretical and methodological basis of the processes associated with the problems of increasing the competitiveness of the textile industry in the context of structural changes in the national economy. The existing shortcomings in this regard and their impact on the competitiveness of the textile industry have been assessed. According to the results of the analysis, scientific proposals and practical recommendations aimed at overcoming the problems of increasing the competitiveness of the textile industry in the context of structural changes have been formed.
Competitiveness, competitive product, export potential
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Statistical report of Uztokimachisanoat Association for 2019-2020
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Copyright (c) 2021 Nargiza Qobilovna Shoislomova, Doston Rustamjon Ogli Shonazarov , Gulmira Bahrom Qizi Aralova

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