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Increment Of The Overflow Coefficient, Hydrological Reproduction And Dangers Of Flooding In The Oued Fez Upstream

Mohammed Mrabet , Department Of Geology, Faculty Of Sciences, Moulay Ismail University, Morocco


In this sense a methodology was directed dependent on the investigation of: counterfeit normal regions, expanded spillover coefficient (SC), and cutting the space of sub-watersheds with autonomous boundaries that are the premise of the hydrological estimation. The hydrological estimation depends fundamentally on the boundaries of precipitation and on the boundaries separated from the division into sub-watersheds to acquire the pinnacle stream produced by each sub-bowl and afterward the downstream stream. This computation was completed fundamentally on the Oued Fes which is the primary pivot of the hydrography of the city. The equations utilized are those of Macmat, Ziegler, and sane recipe. The consequence of the hydrological reproduction performed on two decimal centennial flood Q10 and Q100 show that the SAÂDIYINE connect interfacing the upstream piece and the diverted piece of the Oued Fes is in pre-immersion in the typical express, the utilization of long term flood makes this pressure driven design unfit to convey top stream making its upstream region generally presented to conceivable flooding.


Metropolitan augmentation, overflow coefficient


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Mohammed Mrabet. (2021). Increment Of The Overflow Coefficient, Hydrological Reproduction And Dangers Of Flooding In The Oued Fez Upstream. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(09), 1–3.