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Improve The Efficiency Of The Auto Industry Enterprises Marketing System

Kongratbay Avezimbetovich Sharipov , Doctor Of Technical Sciences, Professor Rector Of Tashkent State University Of Economics, Uzbekistan
Umida Djalalovna Zaynutdinova , Associate Professor, Candidate Of Economic Sciences Tashkent Financial Institute, Uzbekistan


The article explores the theoretical and methodological basis for improving the efficiency of the marketing system of the automotive industry. Scientific proposals and practical recommendations for improving marketing efficiency with a methodological approach to performance evaluation based on criteria and indicators aimed at a comprehensive study of the factors influencing the effectiveness of the marketing system of automotive enterprises.


Brand of automotive enterprises, competitiveness, marketing efficiency


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Kongratbay Avezimbetovich Sharipov, & Umida Djalalovna Zaynutdinova. (2021). Improve The Efficiency Of The Auto Industry Enterprises Marketing System. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(01), 106–112.