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The Verb Valence And Expansion Of Sentence Structure

Mehrinoz Aybekovna Alieva , Doctor Of Philosophy (PhD) In Philology, Assistant-Professor At The Department Of Interfaculty English Of Andizhan State University, Andizhan Region, Republic Of Uzbekistan


This article gives an idea of the extension of the sentence form and the degree of valency of the verb. At the same time, the derivation that requires the syntactic form of the sentence is based on the applicative model, the applicative method is illuminated by the introduction of new morphological elements into the composition of the previous derivative at each stage of derivation. In addition, the article provides information about the types of valence theory, as well as about actants and circonstants.


Derivation, valence, actants


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Mehrinoz Aybekovna Alieva. (2021). The Verb Valence And Expansion Of Sentence Structure. The American Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovations and Research, 3(01), 43–47.