Developing Intercultural Competence As A Strategic Goal Of English Language Teaching At Primary Schools
Sevara Ziyaboyeva , Lecturers of Namangan State University, Uzbekistan Marifat Kazakova , Lecturers of Namangan State University, Uzbekistan Dadaboyeva Lazokat , Lecturers of Namangan State University, Uzbekistan Mukhaddam Ibrokhimova , Lecturers of Namangan State University, UzbekistanAbstract
This article presents the problem of developing the ability of primary schoolchildren for the dialogue of cultures and to substantiate the concept of intercultural ability, or the ability to intercultural communication. Within the framework of this concept, primary foreign language education is interpreted as “a method and purposeful process of development and self-development of the personality of a younger student and his abilities for intercultural communication by managing a teacher and his educational activities, aimed at cognition and self-education, at revealing the potential of a student in the process of mastering a foreign language speech activity as a new way of communication in terms of interaction with a teacher, peers, including native speakers ”[3, p. 97].
Primary foreign language education, intercultural ability, intercultural communication
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Copyright (c) 2021 Sevara Ziyaboyeva , Marifat Kazakova , Dadaboyeva Lazokat, Mukhaddam Ibrokhimova

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