An Overview Of Anomaly Detection Systems In Cloud Networks And An Overview Of Security Measures In Cloud Storage
O’rinov Nodirbek Toxirjonovich , Teacher, Department Of Information Technology, Andijan State University, Uzbekistan Abdullayev Elmurod Zaylobiddinovich , Teacher, Department Of Information Technology, Andijan State University, Uzbekistan Abdujabborov Madaminjon Vohidjon O’g’li , Teacher, Department Of Information Technology, Andijan State University, UzbekistanAbstract
Cloud computing has become one of the loudest words in the IT world because of its design to deliver computing services as a utility. The typical use of cloud computing as a resource has changed the computing landscape. Increased flexibility, reliability, scalability and lower costs have attracted the attention of both companies and individuals due to the form of payment for using the cloud. Cloud computing is a completely internet-dependent technology in which customer data is stored and served in the data center of a cloud provider such as Google, Amazon, Apple Inc., Microsoft etc. Anomaly detection system is one of the intrusion detection methods. It is an area of the cloud environment designed to detect unusual activity in cloud networks. While there are various intrusion detection methods available in the cloud, this white paper explores and explores the various IDSs in cloud networks by different categories, and compares the security measures of Dropbox, Google Drive, and iCloud to clarify their strengths and weaknesses. in terms of security.
Anomaly detection systems, cloud computing, cloud environment, intrusion detection systems, cloud security
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