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Improvement Of The Technology For Extracting Tungsten Industrial Products From The Stale Tailings Of The Ingichkin Factory

Marhamat Akramovna Mutalova , Senior Lecturer, Almalyk Branch Of The Tashkent State Technical University Named After Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan
Durdona Abdukarim Kizi Abdujabborova , Student, Almalyk Branch Of The Tashkent State Technical University Named After Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan
Gulmira Nematzhonovna Fayzieva , Student, Almalyk Branch Of The Tashkent State Technical University Named After Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan
Muazzam Gozikul Kizi Nazirkulova , Student, Almalyk Branch Of The Tashkent State Technical University Named After Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan


In policy actions on further development of the Republic of Uzbekistan defines the task of “Improving industry to a qualitatively new level of deep processing of local raw materials, the acceleration of the production of finished products and the development of technology” One of those challenges is the use of stale tails Insistently factory ” in the form of raw materials of non-ferrous and rare metals that have accumulated in tailings Insistently factory. Its processing will significantly expand the raw material base without significant capital expenditures.

The extraction of tungsten from the stale tailings of processing plants and waste from metallurgical production is an urgent issue in the world practice of ore mining and processing of tungsten concentrates.


Technogenic waste, stale tailings, extraction, concentrate, prom.product, capital costs, additional extraction, desliming, perechislenie operations, separating time, pulpotomy, cosmelenia, granulometric composition, the classifier


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Mutalova, M. A. ., Abdujabborova, D. A. K. ., Fayzieva, G. N. ., & Nazirkulova, M. G. K. . (2021). Improvement Of The Technology For Extracting Tungsten Industrial Products From The Stale Tailings Of The Ingichkin Factory. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(02), 116–122.