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Determination Of The Depth Of Local Erosion In The Downstream Of The Tuyamuyun Hydroelectric Complex By Calculation And Experiment

Ulmas Khusankhodzhaev , Associate Professor, Tashkent Institute Of Architecture And Civil Engineering, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


This article gives the dependence for determining the depth of local erosion in the downstream of the Tuyamuyun hydroelectric complex, obtained by calculation and experiment. Based on the studies on the hydraulic model, correction factors are given to the formula for determining the depth of erosion in the lower pool of the hydroelectric complex. The graphs of the dependence of the coefficients К1, К2, K3 depending on the number of working holes, the levels of the upper and lower buffs.



Hydraulic unit, erosion depth, water horizon, lower buffer, upper buffer, modeling, water flow, hydraulics, dam gates, hydraulic studies


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Khusankhodzhaev, U. . (2021). Determination Of The Depth Of Local Erosion In The Downstream Of The Tuyamuyun Hydroelectric Complex By Calculation And Experiment. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(02), 108–115.