Calculation Of High Harmonics Produced By The Saturation Of A Magnetic Core Of A Current Transformer
Sultan Fayzullayevich Amirov , Doctor Of Technical Sciences, Professor Department Of “Power Supply” Tashkent State Transport University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Shavkat Mukhsimov , Doctoral Student (PhD) Department Of “Power Supply” Tashkent State Transport University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Otabek Tashmuhammatovich Boltayev , Associate Professor Doctor Of Philosophy Intechnical Sciences (Phd), Department Of Railway Power Supply Tashkent Institute Of Railway Engineers Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
The article developed an expression that allows to determine the amplitude values of different harmonics of the magnetizing current at high harmonics caused by the saturation of the magnetic core of the current transformer. Using this expression, it is possible to determine the percentage of the main harmonics obtained for different harmonics, and the determined results allow to accurately set the value of the current (voltage) in the transition state from one range to another to automatically adjust the range of the current transformer.
Auto-adjustable current transformer,, magnetizing current, high harmonics
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