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The Possibilities Of Using Robotics Elements In Physics Lessons In Science

O.A. Tuychiev , Independent Researcher At Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan


In this article, information will be given about the possibilities of using the elements of robotics as a learning tool in physical education, lectures and practical classes on the subjects taught in the circle of robotics in the 8th grade of physical education. Also Arduino "STARTER"in the development of students' practical skills in robotics. Using the 12+ learning sets, the data on the development of students ' electronics and programming using the set are covered.




Robotics,, physics, educational tool,, integration, electronics, programming, compensation


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Tuychiev, O. (2021). The Possibilities Of Using Robotics Elements In Physics Lessons In Science. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(02), 94–99.