Models And Methods Of Data Processing Remote Sensing
Valery Mikhailovich Grishkin , Candidate Of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia Sardor Ilhom Ugli Karimov , Postgraduate Student, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, RussiaAbstract
Visual interpretation, which has long been the main method for interpreting remote sensing data, is laborious, not always effective, and sometimes impossible, for example, when examining images with a large number of spectral channels. In addition, it is difficult to visually recognize images of objects whose dimensions or the dimensions of their parts are on the border of the spatial resolution of the image. Therefore, it is advisable to use automated classification methods. However, the classification of space images by existing per-pixel methods implemented in standard software products for processing remote sensing data does not always lead to correct results.
Automated processing, workflow, real time, satellite image, agriculture, surface reflectance
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