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Increasing Learning Efficiency Using Adaptive Testing Technology

Yuldashev Abdusamat Halimovich , Senior Teacher, Andijan Mechanical Engineering Institute, Andijan, Uzbekistan
Ermatov Axror Baxtiyorjon Ogli , Assistant, Andijan Mechanical Engineering Institute, Andijan, Uzbekistan


Purpose: The article describes a set of software developed for adaptive testing technology in the implementation of an objective assessment of students' knowledge. There is also information about the possibility of computerizing education, reducing the unproductive live work of teachers, preserving the methodological potential of experienced professors, installing computer software for management.

Methods: It is noted that the experiments were carried out by 2nd year students of the Andijan Machine-Building Institute in the direction of "Ground transport systems and their operation."

Results: The research results are presented in the form of some data by means of mathematical statistical processing. The Pearson, Kolmagorov and Romanovsky criteria were also used to check the accuracy of the study results.

Conclusion: it is stated that a software package aimed at creating a technology for remote and adaptive testing without the participation of the human factor will allow processing the results of experiments in educational and research centers and achieving them in practice.


Adaptive test,, database, standard deviation, arithmetic mean, probability


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Halimovich, Y. A. ., & Baxtiyorjon Ogli, E. A. . (2021). Increasing Learning Efficiency Using Adaptive Testing Technology. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(02), 31–41.