Optimization Conditions Of Drilling Polymeric Composite Materials
Sh.N. Fayzimatov , Doctor Of Technical Sciences Fergana Polytechnic Institute Professor Of The Department" Machine-Building Technology And Automation”, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan Y.Y. Xusanov , Doctor Of Philosophy In Technical Sciences (PhD), Senior Lecturer, Department Of “Machine-Building Technology And Automation”, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan D.A. Valixonov , Assistant, Department Of “Drawing Geometry And Engineering Graphics”, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, UzbekistanAbstract
The article discusses the issues of improving productivity and quality when drilling non-technological holes in polymer composite materials. Systematization of non-technological holes was carried out, promising methods of drilling with varying cutting modes when inserting and entering the drill were developed and introduced into production, as well as a method of grinding outgoing chips and removing it and the cutting zone.
Speed, feed, quality, polymer, hole, drill
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