Dynamic Models Of An Electromechanical Electric Drive System Of An Asynchronous Motor
Zaylobitdin Mamatovich Rejabov , Associate Professor Of Andijan Machine –Building Institute, Uzbekistan Zailobiddin Urazali Ugli Boihanov , PhD Student Of Andijan Machine –Building Institute, UzbekistanAbstract
Asynchronous motors require its study not only in stationary modes, but also in dynamic ones. At the same time, this makes it possible to formulate the corresponding requirements for automatic control devices of a regulated IM, the implementation of which will ensure the optimal course of transient processes in the electric drive system; it requires its study not only in stationary modes, but also in dynamic ones. This simultaneously makes it possible to formulate the corresponding requirements for automatic control devices of variable IM, the implementation of which will ensure the optimal course of transient processes in the electric drive system.
The study of electromechanical transient modes requires a joint consideration and solution of the equations of equilibrium of electrical quantities in the windings of the machine and the equations of motion of an electric drive.
Asynchronous motor, electric drive, dynamic mode
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