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Algorithm Of The Electronic Digital Subscript On The Basis Of The Composition Of Computing Complexities

Davlatali Egitaliyevich Akbarov , Doctor Of Physics And Mathematics, Associate Professor, Department Of Mathematics Kokand Pedagogical Institute, Republic Of Uzbekistan
Shukhratjon Azizjonovich Umarov , Senior Teacher, Department Of Information Technology, Fergana Branch Of The Tashkent University Of Information Technologies Named After Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi, Republic Of Uzbekistan
Abbosjon Erali Ugli Toychiboyev , Student, Department Of Computer Engineering, Fergana Branch Of The Tashkent University Of Information Technologies Named After Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi, Republic Of Uzbekistan


In article the new algorithm of a digital signature in composition of the existing difficulties is developed: discrete logarithming in a final field, decomposition of rather large natural number on simple multipliers, additions of points with rational coordinates of an elliptic curve. On the basis of a combination of difficulties of discrete logarithming on a final field with the characteristic of large number, decomposition of rather large odd number on simple multipliers and additions of points of an elliptic curve develops algorithm of a digital signature for formation. The conventional scheme (model) of a digital signature covers three processes: generation of keys of EDS; formation of EDS; check (authenticity confirmation) of EDS. The idea of a design of the offered algorithm allows modifying and increasing crypto stability with addition to other computing difficulties. It is intended for use in systems of information processing of different function during forming and confirmation of authenticity of digital signature.


Algorithm, electronic digital signature, simple multipliers


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Davlatali Egitaliyevich Akbarov, Shukhratjon Azizjonovich Umarov, & Abbosjon Erali Ugli Toychiboyev. (2021). Algorithm Of The Electronic Digital Subscript On The Basis Of The Composition Of Computing Complexities. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 3(04), 102–107.