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Enhancing supply chain resilience with multi-agent systems and machine learning: a framework for adaptive decision-making

Md Zahidur Rahman Farazi , Department of Information Systems and Operations Management, The University of Texas at Arlington


The research focuses on how Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) coupled with Machine Learning (ML) can help manage the challenges and risks associated with new-generation supply chains networks. The proposed MAS-ML framework improves flexibility, adaptability, and predictiveness in essential roles in supply chain management (SCM), including demand forecasting, inventory management, production planning, and SCM logistics. The framework is based on decentralised decision-making where each agent is responsible for a particular supply chain activity but employs real-time data foresight from the ML model to streamline the activities. This decentralisation enables resilience in supply chains, which can experience events such as demand variability and transportation disruptions. MAS-ML is presented in this paper as the solution capable of enhancing supply chain performance, reliability, and cost optimisation in situations characterised by risk and uncertainty, such as the current global pandemic. In addition, this paper presents potential research areas, such as the integration of more enhanced deep learning algorithms, the extension of proposing MAS-ML into other sectors, and the addressing of ethical and transparency concerns associated with AI-based decision-making systems. The proposed MAS-ML framework improves the adaptability and resiliency of supply chains, providing a flexible solution for modern supply chain problems.


Machine Learning (ML), Supply Chain Management, Multi-Agent Systems (MAS)


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Md Zahidur Rahman Farazi. (2025). Enhancing supply chain resilience with multi-agent systems and machine learning: a framework for adaptive decision-making. The American Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7(03), 6–20.